I Wonder (Lyrics) Leeland

I Wonder (Lyrics) Leeland Mp4 YouTube Video Leeland -  I Wonder Lyrics  At the stars in the night, I wonder At Your lightning in the sky, I shudder Your glory is a blanket that covers Every living thing I’m in awe at the majesty of who You are Your love is a seal burnt inside my heart All of the day I want to be where You are Holy Father And it feels like there’s not enough praise inside of me With all these words, all my heart can sing is holy You are holy Jesus Christ You bled Your love, laid down Yourself And gave me life In naked shame You hung and You were lifted high Here I lay in awe and wonder I am afraid For no one’s ever sacrificed and loved me this way So on my face I fall under Your heavy grace Here I lay in awe and wonder And I wonder I’m in awe at the majesty of who You are Your love is a seal burnt inside my heart All of the day I want to be where You are Holy Father And it feels like there’s not enough praise inside of me With all these words, all my heart can ...

The dangers of sinful nature

 The dangers of sinful nature

 The dangers of sinful nature

Before the creation of the world God had concrete/solid plans for man
God's plan for Man is that man live peacefully and remain blameless. God's Plan was perfect, as a matter of fact He has positioned man well even before creation. Then at creation, He gave man His Life. The life of God has been placed in Him.
Points to Note
God gave man some simple instructions, to guide man to stay blameless and stay healthy according to the plan of God.
Which is understandable, as we also give our children instructions on what to do, and how to do them, simple enough to accomplish because God has already placed in man His nature, but man fell.

So what are the dangers of sinful nature?

1. It causes man to lose His state:-
The state of man is that He should be of God, Be in God and stay with God all His Life but He lost that state;
The state of man is to be God's friend child and servant altogether but all went Wrong
We could see Adam say in the book of Genesis that
2. Man will lose both spiritual benefit and Physical benefit:-
It is dangerous for God to be angry at Us but Adam and His wife Eve never thought of this and they utter mostly lost the Garden of Eden which I tag Physical blessing and They Lost
God's presence which I tag Spiritual loss

3. It will also make a man to lose His Life:-
God's proclamation to Eve and her husband is a proclamation of death, that’s why the scripture says; in Roman 6:23
For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord. NLT

So God said in the book of Genesis 3:19 that;
By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground, since from it you were taken; for dust you are and to dust you will return." NIV

4. God’s presence and spirit will leave such a man:-
Saul was the most beautiful, handsome and even the tallest young man in His days and God chose Him to be a king over the children of Israelite, but He only obey God for Just 2 years and the rest of His reign was for nothing.
He did nothing but disobey God. And the proclamations of God through Prophet Samuel was to destroy His Kingdom, which God later did and Even the bible recorded it that the spirit of God left Him and the spirit of the devil from God descended on Him.
Read; 1sam 16:14
Now the Spirit of the LORD departed from Saul, and a harmful spirit from the LORD tormented him.
Other people of God that sinned in the scripture and faced the consequences:-
·         Samson: - He fell into the hands of His enemies through a woman Delilah by Disobeying God and He died with His Enemies.
·         Ananias and Sapphira: - We all know the story of this couple as stated in the Bible from the book of Acts 5:1-11, they lied to the spirit of God about their own Land that they sold, Funny enough that it was their Land. Then the spirit of God struck them
·         Solomon: - The Son of David, and a king who reign after His father, God already made plans with David that kingship will not leave His household, but through the misuse of the wisdom Solomon had, He broke the covenant and God had to tear down the kingdom into Two, (NORTH and SOUTH).
·         And many more according to the scripture.
Conclusion:- He who sin is of the devil, because the devil has sinned from the beginning, as a Christian, the devil will want to make us go against the will of God but it is best to Hold unto our believe and not compromise. There are many more dangers of Sinful nature but I have provided you with some of the points.
I pray that by the grace of God, we will be made Holy and God will order our steps in making right decisions always. God bless you.

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